vote of 10
Produced by Ross Bollinger
Directed by Sam Johnson
Animated by James Orman
Music by Michael Picher
Storyboarded by Dane Georges
Sound Design by Ryan Boone
with Cameron Kane
Voices by Oswald & Daphne Garrington
Compositing by Francis Florencio
Coloring by Nadya Butylina
Production Management by Cameron Jones
with Greg Pearce
vote of 10
Can't go wrong here
Well as always you always amazed with something so fluid and flowing just right the use of color here always amazes me with the style here and it's always cute and funny with some good entertaining value and I'm always pleased to review your work on this style of animation so nice job on this one and I can't wait to checkout much more of your work as these animations are just so cute and well made
Some flashy effects like explosions and such would be a huge plus
God.. I love those expressions.
looks like the pencil finally met his match!
This is stupidly good! can't wait for more!