I really enjoyed this, I like your style of animation. The movements were fluid and enjoyable. Keep up the good work.
Hey guys, here's my cartoon. I sorta went crazy making it
I really enjoyed this, I like your style of animation. The movements were fluid and enjoyable. Keep up the good work.
Pretty funny cartoon; your style is charming, but the voice acting could use a little work, primarily in the technical aspects. I recommend looking into Ricepirate's trick for eliminating reverb (look up "How to Make an Audition-Quality Home Recording Studio like you Robbed an Airport Baggage Claim" on YouTube for that); he also has a series of tutorials on voice acting itself that are rather useful; look up "Lip Spank" if you're interested in those. Practicing drawing expressions could definitely augment your cartooning approach as well.
The premise is really solid, though; as a person that has had experience as an art student, I know the drill lol.
Thanks for the review! I actually didn't do any of the voice acting but i'll keep that in mind anyway
I found the animation and the style very original, I liked them a lot.
I also have to admit that it made me laugh a little.
Really good work!
(Sorry for my bad English)