You're getting so good I'm running out of things to critique.
The sound effects, the fluidity, the changing of the sprites to crouching, Yoshi eating, the sprites that you made/edited to fit with the scenario, it's all great. It isn't perfect, far from that, but it's a phenomenal start. However, I will now insert my major criticism; the camera is a bit zoomed in. Sprite animation goes uses what we know from video games, and in said games the camera is wide, giving the player a large view. Well, you do not need to put the camera in the distance the games themselves commonly would, wider shots make things easier to look at, and create a better sense of environment. Something can zoom in at a fight, but the screen should never feel crowded.
All an all, you are on a great path. The only suggestion I have, no matter how dorky it sounds, is to keep practicing. You will become proficient and agile through animation and will learn tricks and skills to make your creations come to life. Good luck.
P.S: Sorry I didn't review your previous animation. I will try to review all of which you create.