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Be a waiter and deliver orders while dodging kids.

Arrows to move
Go to the customers to give them their food
Don't collide with the running children
R to restart

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I have to reload the game if I die, there's no direction... what the hell is this?!

The challenge is good but there's not much staying power, and the hit box between the waiter and the children is large and unpredictable. It would be better if, like in pacman, once you reached all the customers and the exclamation points went away, they all came back like levels, and maybe one kid turned to two and so fourth, like ramping up the challenge rather than presenting everything all at once.

The children are too fast and also come out in such random ways that it's very difficult to avoid them.
It's normal that all the orders came out at the same time, or is just a bug?

Also, you would have put some music or at least sound effects.

That's all. Sorry for the bad english.

Good once you get the hang of it. Kids make it more of a challenge, very creative.

Credits & Info

2.46 / 5.00

Nov 8, 2017
12:50 AM EST