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Gates of Hades

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The time of Aries is upon us, War is coming. Rumor has it that Persians march south, therefore we shall march north!
Gates of Hades is a Action/Adventure game that is inspired by the Battle of Thermopylae and the 300 Spartans legendary story.
Take control of the Spartans as they march north to meet the Persian Empire that are expanding there empire into Greece led by the “God” King Xerxes I. Use the soldiers that you have to repel the enemy. You have archers, javalineers and Spartans Hoplites.
Come back with your shield, or upon it.

Your band of Spartans are ONE!
If one of them dies the rest will shortly follow.
Keep them all alive!
You can use your support troops to help crush the enemy. Your Athenian archers are most suitable for combating the enemies archers. You also have Arcadian Javalineers who will help support from the rear.
The buttons on the bottom of the screen are self explanatory.

Alternate Controls:
1 = Block
2 = Archers
3 = Throw Javalins
4 = Thrust Attack

Feedback is very welcome!

You can also get this game on Google Play for Android!

Good Luck (especially against the Immortals).

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I am a big fan of hoplite games, just like ninjas were all the craze of 80ties and samurai in 90ties so hoplites were craze of 00ies after the great movies that have obviously inspired this game - 300 and Troy. Indeed the western world has their own badass warriors and trough greek hoplites we the western world suddenly remembered that they don't have to always look to Asia for martial arts and melee combat glory. Thanks to the author for making this.

The gameplay was fun although repetitive. The 3d Graphics were very good and music was fitting.

It's a very good thing this game has full-screen option, giving a lot of immersion. It's also nice that you can use 1-4 key instead of mouse. It allows for faster and simultaneous function of various troops and removes the cursor from battlefield.

A few things to improve:
- Judging from the intermission screens seems you only got inspired by Holywood movies and some modern sensibilities. It would have been much better if you made more of your own research into Greek history and mythology and would make better lore screens. For instance the selection of Great "heroes" named in one intermission lore screen lists actual heroes like Hercules and Achilles with mere historic figures like Menelaus and Agamemnon and second tier heroes like Ajax. It's clear you took them from the Troy movie. It looks as if you are not aware that Odysseus, which doesn't do much in that movie (aside from actually being the one who wins the war) is a greater Greek hero then they all except Hercules combined and has his own epos as big as the whole Iliad (story of Troy ) and should be in this list instead. Also you could have used Jason, Bellerophon, Perseus - all great Greek heroes who actually deserve much more inclusion and mention and would have inspired actual ancient Greeks. You focus too much on Holywood Greece and too little on actual Greece and that is an alarming historical revisionism tendency. Also saying modern things like wishing for a place with no kings and everybody being a God inside an all this new agey wishy washy liberal stuff was out of theme and would sound as nonsensical to any ancient Greek as it actually does sound now to any serious person who doesn't buy cheap platitudes.

-The only danger in the game obviously comes from archers, because it's the only time when timing and defensive action is required. Other then that it's just endless stabbing with occasional optional javelin throw. With exception of Immortals being tougher, every level is basically the same. More different enemy types and more different abilities of your own soldiers would have added a lot of depth to this game making it more epic.

-It's also somewhat disappointing you can't see your own archers. While it does leave more space for battle to be seen - couldn't you just make a wider screen?

- The last level and the snowman bonus level are unending levels of highscore making. It would have been great if you would make a global list so that players could compare their scores. Newgrounds API provides such an option, too bad you didn't use it.

On overall I give the score as high as it is for mostly originality. I haven't seen such a game before. But were such games common I would reduce score due to many reasons listed above. I hope you continue to develop this concept and come up with a sequel that has more combat commands, more troop types, different scenarios, more versatile gameplay and more Greek lore taken from the actual history and myths rather then Holywood adaptations. I am a big fan of Hoplite themed games and movies and would love to see this concept developed further.

Excellently presented and the simplicity of the game probably works well for phones. I feel it needs something a bit more going on though- maybe upgrades or more tactics- than just pressing one of four buttons at the right time, although I only got to level 3.

good game
i like that you added hotkeys
using the mause alot is kinda anoying
got to the rainy day and could not pass it
if you atack and press defend it does not always register
dont know how to pass it if you have to defend archars and normal atackers
but good game after all

Simple and fun to play. It's nice to see a quality game like this here. The only thing it needs are some sound effects.

Great graphics and concept! It would be nice to have the soldiers move and to be able to get more soldiers and have a castle and it shouldn't be game over when just one soldier dies. Great game overall!

Credits & Info

3.39 / 5.00

Nov 3, 2017
10:00 AM EDT
  • Daily 5th Place November 5, 2017