This was really quite an original animation, which even entertained me too much!!!!
Would Jesus frown upon eating brains? One Zombie thinks so.
With Michael T. Scott:
Natasha Gleichmann:
Character design by John Varvir: and co-written by Sam Rubin:
This was really quite an original animation, which even entertained me too much!!!!
Animation was solid and I found it to be quite funny the conversation bits were good and the characters were good more shaders needed to be used in some of the content in the movie though but Eric was a pretty good character too very original
comedy gold
the animations is normal
but i can see you focused more on the dialog
which was amazing
Well, lmao. I watched this on a Sunday so, ayy!!!
I liked the script overall, that's the first thing I wanna touch on because sentence by sentence, it's perfect. I kinda want to hear more of their conversion (Dunnou y tho). The animation is smooth but unpolished, I thought the characters could've had thinner outline. A bit of shading here and there would be nice too.
Characters in the animation are all good. I love Eric's generic, 'is this morally right?' attitude. Although, I would've liked to hear more shouting, sorta. Still loved the animation overall, wished the animation was longer though.
Heya! Glad you liked it!
I appreciate you wanting to hear more of the conversation, but there comes a point where you've made your point and anything beyond that is just getting redundant.
As for shouting: That seems to be the hallmark of comedy these days (mostly American). I'm not a fan of getting loud to be funny. It comes across as overcompensation for not having much substance. So if you watch any more of my material, you'll be disappointed in the decibel level department.
Hope you have the holiest of Sundays!