Now that was scary.
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!
I was wondering what is the scariest costume you can out on this Halloween and I came up with this idea. Apparently not only monsters are scary these days :D
Special thanks to Iamsteve for VA
Anyway, have a killer Halloween!
Now that was scary.
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Glob...
At first I didn't want to judge this, because I hate responsibilities. But the video is scary, those costumes are cheap for everyone, can be totally true, and best of all, is short.
Yeah, responsibilities are dumb. I want to be kid again :|
Lol, so true =) Damn, those apparently "creepy" zombie and vampire costumes ain't nothin' in comparation to those ;D
Great work on this, you two! The art style with this bit of voice acting was on point ;)
Haha, thanks a lot!