I found it kind of ironic that the first thing I noticed about FITER is that it doesn't FIT on the screen and top of the title is chopped off. Not sure if it's my browser fault though.
Some kind of information how to use and that you need to use the switching mechanic would be nice.
Well... it's was obviously made to fit on a phone screen so there comes this weird feeling that this isn't how we supposed to experience it. On the computer I mean.
The art ranges from a bit lacking to nice.
There isn't much to say about the gameplay. Kind of boring for me. I'm not really a fan of the fact that my character moves to the center automatically. When I'm on the right side of the screen and there is a path on the center my instinct tells me I need to go left, but what I have to do is to don't touch a thing. It's mildly frustrating.
In conclusion. I see potential in you to create a nice looking gaming app.