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Bad Ass Mouse Trailer

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I know that trailers pretty much suck, but I was bored and hopefully this will interest some of you in the real thing when it's released.

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For a trailer, this was pretty good!
However, seeing how this was done in 2002, I don't think we're going to see the actual movie anytime soon... if ever!
I'll judge this for what it is, as the actual movie.
The flash itself was average throughout.
It's a shame there is no final movie though...

it was ok

see above

Not bad for a trailer

For a trailer, this was alright. However, seeing how this was done in 2002, I don't think we're going to see the actual movie, so I'll judge this on it's merits. The flash itself was average throughout. If a final movie does come, it should rock.


That mouse is pretty badass. And the evil guy could use some shifty eyes. But why was the guy high up in the air and his foot catches fire? oh and you spelled elephant wrong :)


That IS one Bad-Ass Mouse.
Lol,and that obligatory evil-looking guy at the end was awesome...but you didn't give him shifty eyes!!! You need shifty eyes!!!!!NOW!!!!

Credits & Info

2.94 / 5.00

Nov 20, 2002
9:22 PM EST