No me gusta mucho sin embargo la dedicación que le pusieron y la canción hase que sube de estrellas
Wow I have been dead here.
This was practice in Toon Boom and an experiment to push my rig past its limit so I can figure out where it breaks. Also it's my first time animating a dance entirely from scratch, no reference.
Song is Volt by Lockyn.
It's a very good song.
No me gusta mucho sin embargo la dedicación que le pusieron y la canción hase que sube de estrellas
She do be vibing. =]
Oh, the character's name isn't Volt. I was confused. Congratulations on your Underdog of the Week award! It really deserves it! I mean, it's just someone dancing briefly, but it's nicely animated. I wish we documented our awards like we used to.
It's nice to have your own page! Well, everyone has that nowadays. I like the bell shape. I'm not attracted to robots. Don't tell me you weren't trying to do that to me.
I loved this very well drawn animation, a cute and innocent dance until you reach the end and show those sexy butt movements, the part I liked the most