This is something I'd like to wonder and get lost in. Wish there were more to the illusions to stick around longer, but still good in a meditative sence.
It's rumored if you watch this for 13 hours straight Ciara will visit you while you sleep and leave candy under your pillow.
Arrow keys
and Number keys 1-7
This is just an experiment.
I make these sometimes, I thought I would share it.
The loading and icon art is by doublemaximus, she uploads a lot of stuff here, go follow her.
This is something I'd like to wonder and get lost in. Wish there were more to the illusions to stick around longer, but still good in a meditative sence.
amazing, when i look away things in the center of my vision slowly shrink
very trippy and fucked up, would recommend
my eyes feel a lil' funny.
the looping art messed with my eyes to the point where the newgrounds page started warping in my vision, anyways cool 👌