About Legend of the Ancient Relic:
Legend of the Ancient Relic is an animated series from Cartoon Lounge, directed, written, animated, and created by Kasey Tam. The story focuses on our main hero, Fio, who is on a quest to find her mother, but this mysterious cube may lead her to more than what she's lead to believe.
Fight Animation at 1:36 by Renevatia on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/renevatia/art/Fight-animation-363939752
Due to The New Canaan Film Festival's deadline and 5 minute restriction, production on Legend of the Ancient Relic was done in under a month and ideas had to be either condensed or thrown out.
Won for Best Character Animation and Viewer's Choice Award for Best Animation at the New Canaan Film Festival 2017.
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- The Lost Paradise by Joe Hisaishi (Castle in the Sky):
- Dex's Diner by Joseph Williams (Star Wars Episode II: AOTC): http://bit.ly/2FxHwDJ
- Dragon Boy by Joe Hisaishi (Spirited Away):
- Floating With the Crystal by Joe Hisaishi (Castle in the Sky): http://bit.ly/2Icnj52
wish there was diolouge.
This was on a tight schedule of under a month, so writing dialogue was almost impossible. My team and I are working furiously on the second episode at the moment which will include dialogue considering we're not under a time constraint.
Very much enjoyed the soundtrack. Storytelling at it's finest
That falling scene was nostaglic of Castle in the Sky plus the accom. tune sold this for me. Bravo!