wow that really sucked.
that flash sucked. I'm sorry it just plain sucked.
the graphics sucked. ( even for a stick animation.)
the story ... oh wait there wasn't one.
the sound sucked.
it wasnt funny.
oh yeah and it just plain sucked.
I don't care what anyone says, graphics DON'T matter that much. And this completely ROCKS.
wow that really sucked.
that flash sucked. I'm sorry it just plain sucked.
the graphics sucked. ( even for a stick animation.)
the story ... oh wait there wasn't one.
the sound sucked.
it wasnt funny.
oh yeah and it just plain sucked.
that really sux yeah that graphics are basicaly the most important thing unless the story is really good or it has to have bad graphics
This sucks!
Graphics don't matter? What in the world is in your head? Graphics are THE most important item, unless the storyline calls for crappy graphics! Something's wrong with you! This sucks! Monkey balls! Dude, not only are there crap graphics, but zero storyline and you have to watch it about 4 times just so you can read all the text because it's so dang fast!
First of all graphics DO matter they help give the story more meaning, and this was really lame graphics not included two scenes? and the same guy dies? like wtf is up dude
Hells Yea!
keep it comin.