I love your animation style and I think the story was short but sweet. That being said, I would have given 4 stars if there had been some sort of audio, even if it was just background music, or even just sound effects like the teacher tapping her foot, the girl writing, etc. You can find some good sound effects on freesound.org if you're in need of them. Also I thought the plot was a bit confusing - I understood that the teacher says no to something and so the girl writes or draws something in revenge and the teacher is so exasperated she gives up, but it was unclear what exactly the teacher said no to and what exactly the girl was doing. If the plot had been a bit clearer and you'd added sound, I would have given this 5 stars for sure.
Other than that, I thought you did the animation, background, character design, and especially the facial expressions really well. Of course you can always improve with practice but this was really good - definitely a lot better than a lot of the other things I've seen people put up here over the years. Since it was your final project for school I'm sure you were a bit rushed trying to make it, but I hope you keep animating and at the very least for whatever project you do next, think: "What's the one thing I think I could improve on from last project?" and try to do that, even if it's something as simple as "add any kind of sound to my next video". I learned that tip actually for drawing but I think it can apply to anything; in art class I was told to take just one thing I was unhappy with in a drawing I made and try to make it better in my next drawing.
In summary, this is good -- but could be better -- and I like where you're going so keep it up!