that sucked
that was a piece of shit, the graphic sucked the story sucked and WTF is UP with the annoying ringing sound?
Though this has been submitted once before, i feal it deserves another chance. If you feal otherwise than too bad.
that sucked
that was a piece of shit, the graphic sucked the story sucked and WTF is UP with the annoying ringing sound?
---Just not that good---
The graphics and sound need to be improved a lot. It would also help if it had a plot or theme. Instead of being about some evil, but dumb, piece of crap driving across country with his victim in plain sight on the back seat.
... that was realy bad man..
I'm sorry but that was extremly bad. It was horrible ! It had no plot, bad sound, bad graphics, a realy anoying car sound ... it seems like you didn't even try, I'm sorry but if you did your hard work is wasted you should practise your art more, stray from using anoying sounds, and get some good concepts going.
Just because you make somthing your proud of doesnt mean other people will like it
This movie pretty much sucked, and here's why: First off, who the hell drives across country with a dead body in the back seat when they got a perfectly good trunk on their car? And even if the trunk didn't work, he coulda tossed a blanket over her dead body. There's no way he coulda made it all the way to Cali before he got stopped. Other drivers woulda saw the dead body and called the cops. The little intermission wrif between days was catchy, but it got used too much. The one part I did like was the choir singing at the end. It just fit.
"...this no talent ass-clown..."
I love how so many people use this as an insult, when EVERYONE knows it was obviously stolen from Office Space...making it unoriginal, uninspired...and the person who said it, well...a "no talent ass clown" considering he couldn't come up with anything on his own...