Very cool cinematic piece. Lots's of visually interesting stuff!
Now I'm about to be really critical. Your cinematography is, at times, absolutely atrocious. For example from 0:09-0:16 your establishing shot zooms in on the these random clouds in the corner when all the interesting stuff is in the opposite side of the screen; then you zoom back out and back in on a different part!?!? There's no reason to do that. All the moving around takes away from the emotion you're trying to convey... Simple is more effective - you should have had a single pan in on your character. Then in 1:44-1:54 you do a downward pan where you alternate between fast and slow moving speed. Why? It feels really ugly and there's nothing gained by doing it. I also don't understand why you chose to do a downward pan when the character is moving across the screen horizontally, lol.
That being said you do have some absolute gems that translated well. Shot at 0:19, beautiful and matches the mood of the music and ambiance. 1:13-1:22 simple yet powerful imagery. 2:06-2:17 pan upward works well with the vertical moment of the sea-monster - didn't need the pan downward before that.
You're animation work is great but your cinematography could use work. If you do some research and know the reasons why you use every shot then your feature will improve.