this is truly madness
After so much shit happening to me. Its here. FINALLY ! :D
this is truly madness
Really dissapointing. Also, the music is kind of annoying.
Decent.. But not good enough here are my reviews
Armicek: Kinda Slow.. But I like it!! 7.75/10
Animator-Alex: One of your test was very fast. But it is good 6.50/10
BizWussZuzz: Your Parts Are One Of The best from this collab.. It's very original and amazing sprites.. 10/10
Djjaner: HANDS DOWN.. BEST PART FROM THIS COLLAB Your animations are very fluid and smooth. So good 11/10
DjMety: Good.. Just Good, 7/10
Electronic-Headphone: There Are Mistakes in your parts
1.Every Time when some gets shoot/stab.. They Move very weirdly
2.Some of your parts Are the same with the. Epic combo thing. Make something new already
3. Animation is not the best.. It's not fluid or.. Just not good 4.50/10
Jilet: Your Animation style is very good.. Reminds me of djjaner. But no BLOOD EFFECTS! 9.50/10
Luna-pl: Very Good And Smooth.. But kinda slow. 7.75/10
PikaLight: Your Animation Is Random. But Nice Animation! 9.25/10
xKrixeee: I know your animation style is better now.. But this is the worst animation from this collab..
Legs can not move in one of your parts
Walking cycle is bad
And it was fast when it zoomed in to him in one of the parts 2/10
Overall. 6/10 Some Parts Are Awesome.. Some are Goods.. Few are just bad.. Sorry
That was great.
BizWuzzZuzz's Part was so well animated. it gave the allusion of it looking like one of dudingdarns animations so I wanna say Good Job And keep up the collabs and hope Madness combat does not die out :l