Great reference, enjoyable animation, good music selection, but way too simple of a video. Even though it was a cool little content to watch.
I'll give you plus half a star because i love fairy tail.
This is a 3D animated video, made with 3DsMax and 3DsMax rigs and models. The animation is about a boy, who's dragon-father disappears one day without the boy knowing why. The boy decides to live on and stay strong. Will he ever find his father again?
Enjoy this animation!
Great reference, enjoyable animation, good music selection, but way too simple of a video. Even though it was a cool little content to watch.
I'll give you plus half a star because i love fairy tail.
Thanks for the feedback!
It was originally a school assignment to make an animation with these characters, that's why it's so simplistic.
Thanks for the rating :D
a charming, eccentric short worthy of any showcase
Very glad to hear that, thank you!