well it's informative...
Asian flush, also widely known as Asian glow happens to certain people of Asian descent after they have consumed alcohol. The Asian flush affects about 36% percent of Northeast Asians, primarily Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. The Asian flush is due to the body detecting a threat and triggering an immune response. When people drink alcohol, the liver has to break down a chemical called ethanol. The liver does this using two enzymes, ADH and ALDH-2. However, the problem arises when people have a mutated ALDH2 gene. As a result, people with this mutation accumulate a toxic substance called acetaldehyde at a level about 6 TIMES HIGHER than normal people.
Music by: Schematist
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well it's informative...
Very educational.
Great video quality
The animation was simple but worked well with the movie.
I can see this as a commercial for a pharmaceutical company on tv.
Very well made.
Great work, guys! Today I learned how I'm going to die hahaha
High quality cartoon bro, did you make this in flash?