I hope you remaster this some day
Had to do this one cause it will be forever before we see it animated by the professionals so I had to take matters into my own hands by taking one's messy webcomic and animating it from scratch with major tweaks here and there because of the dialogue.
Try not to take it too seriously enjoy...
Made with IMovie
Music: One - Punch Man opening full - Shindehai Provided by Voxmakers
I hope you remaster this some day
Make it faster
So I like this as it has some variety and some nice animation but the animation itself seemed kind of slow so that's something you could work on the action scene was nice and I liked the flow of the story here but anyways nice little animation you have here wish there was more and wish the animation was a bit smoother anyways keep up the good film making
Smoother animation
Low frame rate but still impressive!
Bit slow framerate, but nicely done otherwise! Both action and comedy, and not just the one adversary either. Good stuff.
Thanks for the Feedback!!!!