Interesting; if you're really into 3-D terrain and that sort of thing, take multivariable calculus and you can program that sort of thing on your own.
Nothing much to say here, short description says it all really. Rate as you please.
Interesting; if you're really into 3-D terrain and that sort of thing, take multivariable calculus and you can program that sort of thing on your own.
I'm only 15 and I'm take Pre-Calculus at the moment. It's really easy to make the terrain in Blender. Just grab a few points to make some mountains, copy the plane, and make the copied version wire frame and slap a material on it. But if the time comes, maybe I can try and make some cool stuff with 3D terrain. Currently working on some other simple Blender animations with some 'cool' effects. Thanks for the decent review!
Don't let Brandy get you down. This doesn't have much going on, yes, but it's a start to something. I'm guessing this was done with 3D models? I encourage you to build upon this piece. Maybe have them bouncing around the screen, shifting sizing, and merging into one another. Makes it a series. Y'know Simple Cubes V.2, Simple Cubes V.3, etc. Do that and I bet it'll eventually turn into something really cool.
Thanks for the positive comment. This was my first ever animation in Blender which is a 3d modelling program. Im currently working on an improved version but I don't have a release date.