Nice and funny animation. I don't like furries though.
Malamute needs a favor from his "best friend"
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Nice and funny animation. I don't like furries though.
It feels like the joke is ripped straight from South Park's Jimmy and Eric bit.
Real nice animation and style.
The backgrounds look like garbage and some fills have holes but the characters look really professional both in design and in the way they move.
Love the quirky sounds.
Hope this becomes a series revolving around Shep or Bonesville.
The artstyle and animation is nice.
Considering the level of your skill it's weird that buildings are drawn poorly or without understanding of basic perspective. If later is the case I'd really recommend learning it. I feel it might be quite easy to learn and effects would show up soon.
That ended pretty abruptly, but it was well animated and amusing ^^ The perspective of the houses seemed strange in the first shot, but the art of the characters look great!