pew pew pew pew pew is the best part
It's Clockday 2016, but all is not right! A giant meteor is heading right for the planet, threatening all who live on it to certain doom! Our hero BilliardBall10 must once again take up the mantle and save the day, or Clocktopia, and all of the world, is doomed!
pew pew pew pew pew is the best part
Intentionally bad animation, but I thought it was humble.
ah these happy endings make me cry all the time Q_Q
For some reason, I feel nostalgic.
Why's that?
this is the amazing TRUE STORY of how BB10 saved the clockcrew and the whole planet from the meteor's attack.
this incredible story of bravery, awesomeness and of wild action, shows us that BB10 is a great space-pilot, except from being already an excellent swordsman, a smooth talker, and a very modest man. (lol)
but seriously, it should be noted that this was a GREAT animation, with nice drawings of the characters, good animation pace, and it also had a good story going on, including many funny parts, that were filled with lots and lots of humour.
you've created a beautiful clockday story(once again), and i feel honoured to be in it.
keep making legendary art, my friend!
and have a happy clockday!