Well, it works!
It's just that it's not really an epic brawl, and not only that, but we can't tell who's winning. Can we get the famous HP bar at the bottom of the screen next time?
It took me 2 days to put this together. Check out my tutorial for info how to make the buttons. Click the play button only when loaded cos im not sure if my preloader works. The file is about 205kb so it wont take long to download. Dont be too harsh
Well, it works!
It's just that it's not really an epic brawl, and not only that, but we can't tell who's winning. Can we get the famous HP bar at the bottom of the screen next time?
howd you make the buttons that when you click them , like when terra was talking , the next thing she says comes up.
whenever i do that , my music doesent play until i press the next button
please reply
(what actionscript did you use to make those buttons)
pick me
I'd go out with Terra, I dunno, something bout the green hair is a turn on for me lol.
Ok movie tho, however the resolution sucked horribly. fuse them? wha........
lets have the same thing, with all the male heros from all the ff games, fighting for all the female characters to go on dates and stuff, get a full war going, and maybe screw over some of the mary sue characters such as aeris, haver her die for no apperent reason again hahaha.
Sorry have to give it such a low rating though, wasn't much to see, was more like a practice run for something better. So now you just gotta make something better.
Like your tut, great!
Nice. Little work needed on the animation, but nice.
I agree with yourgodus, What deh hell was that?