Not good
The difference between your animation and the music is that the music is good. This was not the greatest idea to begin with and the animation was sub-par.
This is the first movie I bothered finishing when i started using Flash.
It's about a friend of mine wich I think looks like a beaver in real life. Prolly that's why everybody calls him Beaver these days. Anyway,
I tried to express my feelings towards him with this bloody movie. Still, the animations are rather crappy but he got the picture :)
Enjoy, GSProds.
Not good
The difference between your animation and the music is that the music is good. This was not the greatest idea to begin with and the animation was sub-par.
This movie almost made me vomit, the only thing that kept me watching was the Korn music.
...What the hell? I thought all that crap was the intro but you just spammed the credits throughout the entire video.
3/5. Only because you animate very nicely.
its ughhh welll eggggg umm... YEAH
ITS OK ...................SHHHHH..NOT
Wheres the beaver?
I did not see 1 beaver, and I got tired of watching some idiot kid get blown up. Over and Over.