I’m going to be on Nat’s side here. THIS LOOP IS WAY TOO CONFUSING. No offense, but at least try drawing and animating things in a typical mainstream style, and be sure to preview your animations before publishing them, otherwise people will act like Mr. Horsey (I.e. talk to you in a rude and disrespectful manner) and say things like “ThIs AnImAtIoN iS sO fReAkInG bAd!1!1 U pUt AbSoLuTeLy No EfFoRt InTo ThIs!1!1” and whatnot. Also, please take this advice from me as constructive criticism and NOT as a hate comment. BTW, only reason I’m giving this one star is because I feel sympathy for animations which’ve been rushed.
That’s everything I have to say about this one.
- mashisastar