Nice, didn't know how to do that.
Skills to make ur flash movies better looking and interactive. You might have to press the "stream" button if my preloader doesnt work.
Nice, didn't know how to do that.
Noting beats old 1337 flash!
I like what you make!
Well done, i need that sort of info except i d/led a trial of macromedia's flash mx and the damn thing didnt work!
Not the greatest tutorial ever, but it helps
I hadn't found one that covers making cursors until now. I don't need it, but someoene else probably will. Good job on making it.
Thx, i really needed that help with cursors.......
but cud u make sumthing with more stuff, like advanced actionscript? i dunno, like, how to make a password or sumthin, or other stuff like that.