OA - Season 1 - Episode 03: Group Chat
Wait… What did you say about my mother?! Oh sorry… I misheard you. Seriously though, apparently this actually happened. I wonder what kind of tea it was though.
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Uploaded first to YouTube: https://youtu.be/BWwTIAPAG0Q
Join Reid - the animator -, CIAZ - the musician -, and Riley - the uh... Riley - on a strange adventure to uncover the secrets of the office as they venture to create videos other than gameplay.
Animator: PancakeSamurai
► https://twitter.com/roseau_
Music: Ciaran CIAZ
► http://www.youtube.com/c/CiaranCIAZ
► https://soundcloud.com/ciaz-1
Writer: Ciaran CIAZ & PancakeSamurai
Additional Writer: Ramyettie & Toadash42
Ramyettie as Riley
► https://twitter.com/ramyettie
PancakeSamurai as Reid
► https://twitter.com/roseau_
Ciaran CIAZ as CIAZ
► https://twitter.com/CI4Z