Getting good. Getting good. I did like the plot of this episode, it was actually rather interesting. I feel like that it may have been a little stilted because the acting is a little flat. I mean the Voice cast is getting better at this. I feel like there are a lot of fresh blood in this, also some vets. Maybe some more direction on the lines would help. Also It's best to not have a character talk out of shot if you can help it. Craig being off screen and talking is a huge flub on the staging area. I feel like that you should have panned to him. Also maybe look into a much more active camera, just having characters stand and talk, isn't as engaging. As for the battle scene it was alright, but I feel like it was held back with the relent on the models. Maybe if you broke Model more for the heavier stuff like action, it would make it flow a LOT better.
All and all, Good episode, everything is slowly but surely getting better. I feel like if this keeps going up, by episode 10, you'll have the TV show quality that we all strive for. and then it can only go up from there.