Haha karma for people who mistreat their cats!
A time traveler goes back 2 weeks to stop himself from going to Cynthia's new years party. Unfortunately, he brings his cat along and forgets to let him back into the machine when he returns to the present. The cat grabs onto the machine last second, becomes radioactive, and ends up in ancient Egypt. What the time traveler finds when he returns to the present is pretty messed up....
Haha karma for people who mistreat their cats!
wow but the cats were weird not at all to what i was expecting to the model you used for cat people
really freaking awesome. great storytelling!
That was sick dude! Especially the reversed art (cat with the pearl, miauwa Lisa, etc.) was very original.
Great use of animation. It's very distinct.
Keep it up!
it's pretty good but really weird, and does the guy have pinkeye?