These criticisms did not age well.
Me pitching a someone bringing a Bernie Sanders Baby to a Trump Rally idea.
Hopefully nobody will ever do this.
Because this would most likely be the outcome.
These criticisms did not age well.
I don't know about you, but I can't wait for Bernie to kick Trumps ass in the 2020 elections. That is if Trump isn't in jail of coarse.
You have really clear audio, so all the little things came through: the Trump impersonation, the jokes, and definitely your own laughter.
I thought it was pretty funny, especially with how you drew the baby and Trump in stick figure style. It doesn't matter what your opinions are, because humor is supposed to chafe with people's beliefs--that's the whole point! So keep doing what you're doing.
Thanks. :-) and here's something funny about the audio. I recorded the voice on my Sony Cybershot hand held camera and then ripped the audio for the video. The reason I did it that way is because it was from a random conversation I was having and generally I liked how unrehearsed it came across. I made the video part from drawings I made with a mouse in Photoshop and then assembled everything in Windows live movie maker. I did it this way so I could just do the video quickly. Anyway, the funny thing about audio is that you don't always need a really expensive microphone. You just have to speak clearly. :-)
Your voice has potential but your opinions suck
No problem. People disagree. My general opinion though is anyone but Trump.