Bob is God
Hey Newgrounds, how are you guys doing?
I just made a video, after like, 9 months.
I hope you enjoy! (If you don't that's understandable, I hate it too, I've been working on this dumb cartoon since June.)
EDIT: Daily 3rd AND front page? Thanks so much guys! I appreciate it!
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Bob is God
I am a scientist I can in fact confirm that Bob actually IS god.
Also my name is Bob.
Hahaha. Found this funny, especially the end when he tries to blame it on the teddy bear. Try to put a little more expression in the voices and you'll be on your way to becoming a great animator.
Wow, that really means a lot! Thank you for your kind words!
In my opinion, being edgy doesn't really work. It's better to pander and then sell out. :-)
Hating your own work is pretty darn edgy. I think you've got this whole thing down.
I liked how relaxed it was, especially the way the mob just casually speaks. You have that very calm humor that is so much more palatable.
Thank you so much, man! That's exactly what I was going for, I'm glad you get my humor!