HA. well done
Thanks to those of you who participated in the first #RubberOnionBattle!
The topic was "Casual Friday Gone Wrong" and here are the artists in order.
1. Stephen Brooks (http://www.instagram.com/rubberonion)
2. Rob Yulfo (http://www.instagram.com/robyulfo)
3. Jeff Cook (http://www.instagram.com/aperturejam)
4. James T Nethery (https://www.instagram.com/jamesnetheryanimation/)
5. Waymond Singleton (https://www.instagram.com/waymonds/)
Vote for your favorite!
... and if YOU would like to participate in Feb's #RubberOnionBattle, use the hashtag on Instagram and the topic is "Superhero with Useless Power"
HA. well done