OA - Season 1 - Episode 02: Finding Inspiration
The crew gets out of the office to stretch the legs, for once, and not everyone is pleased by the idea… Until something happens that doesn’t change their minds *ghost ‘woo’ noises*! I honestly have no idea why I wrote the ghost noises thing.
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Uploaded first to YouTube: https://youtu.be/g-66qMchJlI
Join Reid - the animator -, CIAZ - the musician -, and Riley - the uh... Riley - on a strange adventure to uncover the secrets of the office as they venture to create videos other than gameplay.
Animator: PancakeSamurai
► https://twitter.com/roseau_
Music: Ciaran CIAZ
► http://www.youtube.com/c/CiaranCIAZ
► https://soundcloud.com/ciaz-1
Writer: Ciaran CIAZ, PancakeSamurai & Ramyettie
Ramyettie as Riley
► https://twitter.com/ramyettie
PancakeSamurai as Reid
► https://twitter.com/roseau_
Ciaran CIAZ as CIAZ
► https://twitter.com/CI4Z