Not too much here, I'm not sure why this is still available for viewing. Barely sufficed as animation.
Sick of this election? Same here.
I had a high-quality sound version, but Newgrounds wouldn't let me upload it.
Not too much here, I'm not sure why this is still available for viewing. Barely sufficed as animation.
Decent sound clip
The sound clip wasn't too bad, but I found that there was the odd sketchyness in there somewhere.
It's too bad that the movie was sub-par in pretty much every other respect.
The animation just consisted of the mouth moving, with essentially no violence or interactivity.
The background was well below par as well.
A little bit more work, and this would have been much better.
Pro bush eh?
I bet you feel real smart now.
OK sound clip I guess
Sound clip wasn't too bad, there was the odd funny bit in it. Shame the movie was lacking in pretty much every other respect - animation just consisted of the mouth moving, no violence or interactivity. Background was below par too. A little bit more work could have made this a 5/10 movie, as it stands it's lucky to get three.
bad ass drawing LOL
but you got your message out. lol your my hero
nice drawings really. if i didnt know who it was, then i wouldnt be able to guess, with either the voice or the character sketch lol
good job. mayeb a little bit longer, and more meaningfull though.. i dunno....
-peace out-