Nicely done dude! I guess there could've been a few more bells and whistles to click on while on board, but it looks great!
My very first Flash movie, a first year school project!
Nicely done dude! I guess there could've been a few more bells and whistles to click on while on board, but it looks great!
Yeah, I planned that each screen could break when clicked on. But it didn't really worked out ;) thanks for the comment!
An interesting interactive, however there is a distinct lack of visual cues (wuthout scanning the mouse around) as to what someone is supposed to click on.
I know, I dont rly think it's a problem. But I used mostly coding in 3rd room. So those are not buttons and I dont want to edit too much on my project just for that. :)
Great work, Arnoud! When will you make the landing part of the movie?
I have no clue, the assingment was just to do this. Perhaps when I have more time to finish it with an outro.
Edit: FIXED (sorta) :-)