Stupid and funny.
It was really stupid, and really funny, I liked it. I also liked the little funny parts that weren't very apparent, like when one of the SWAT guys before getting onto the plane turns around and shoots the dead terrorist again.
WHOHOO! Finnished! There are no problems I'm aware of, but if you find any, email me. Also, when it says that there is a special features comming, there probably won't be one, so don't ask me for one. Thats it.
Also, could you maybe, NOT vote this out of the portal? I worked REALLY hard on this for a month or so, and I put alot of time and effort into it and I'd appreciate it if you let it stay on Thanks :)
PS: I am currently working on a Cowboy Bebop game, I need to know how to make a movie clip go only when a button is pressed, and how to flip somthing horizontal when you press the button opposite to the way he is facing.
Stupid and funny.
It was really stupid, and really funny, I liked it. I also liked the little funny parts that weren't very apparent, like when one of the SWAT guys before getting onto the plane turns around and shoots the dead terrorist again.
that was quite good but try to work on graphics
That was shit, why wasn't it voted out of the portal?
i quite enjoyed this movie so thanks for this one im a big cs fan and id appriciate another cs movie from you
Thanks, that really means alot, seeing as my past few movies were works of sheer crap. But, unnfortunately, I'm pretty dedicated to the Cowboy Bebop game, so I probably won't make another CS toon or anything untill I either finnish or give up on the game. As i said in my comment, if anyone who knows actionscripting well can help me on it, I'd much appreciate it. If you wanna help, just send me an E-mail.