Prickly Bum!
A six second audio clip animated by seven different artists to create a never ending amount of prickly bummy goodness.
Very nice
So this was pretty cool I like this and like all the contributions of the submission here you sure do bring on some nice details and the visuals are top notch if you ask me very good film work here anyways keep making stuff like this
Make more colabs like this
lmao, simple idea, crazy collab! And I wonder where that audio clip originates from...? Who iseth the creator for this masterful piece of random audial craze? Greatly entertaining (and slightly disturbing) collab idea!
Fuck. I can't help but deal with some depressive introspection now. Why do I love this so much? D: Just-- just do me a favor: more hobo cacti-tube feedings up the ass with alacrity please. Untapped humor here.
a cactus in the ass? what? seriously