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The Last Soul

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RodrijahuFyM 5 Points

Enter to the RodrijahuFyM profile ^-^

Start the Nightmare 5 Points

Start the game

The End 5 Points

Game Over

Author Comments

I hope they can understand the history of the game, maybe you can not notice very well.
Espero que entiendan la historia del juego, quizás no se nota muy bien.

Controles - Controls

Flechas Direccionales - Directional Arrows

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so this was pretty fun I like the different elements like the scenes and the death of falling was pretty good actually lol. graphics was notbad some backrounds could be more detailed, but overall a fun lil game here keep it up


the death sound tho

¿Mató a la familia y despues se suicidó?

RodrijahuFyM responds:

Sipi :v
Que bueno que lo entendieras :D

Nice start. Now make a game that takes at least 10 minutes to complete.

A man is alone with his thoughts, each dream revealing a little more about himself.

I like the way this game is presented, I actually kind of like the visuals, the game almost feels Silent Hill-esque. I thought it was not a terrible effort. A little atmospheric too.

Surprisingly short but I hope to see what else you make in the future.

Credits & Info

2.42 / 5.00

Aug 18, 2015
7:13 PM EDT