Technically, it's the beginning of the 15th year of the CC, so that. Short and somewhat amusing, not much else to say.
in this exciting installment of the clockday chronicles of BB10, we see the young hero walking around and discovering a delicious symmetry for this year's clockday.
will he be victorious in this battle of wits, or will he meet his match?
find out!
please enjoy the movie, and review! happy clockday!
EDIT: daily 4th?! wow! thanks NG! huge thanks to everyone!
Technically, it's the beginning of the 15th year of the CC, so that. Short and somewhat amusing, not much else to say.
hmmm... interesting!
thanks for your review, have a nice day, and
happy clockday!
Ha ha, that was cool! Just so fucking cool. Yes! Happy Clockday!
it was? thanks, man! :D
yes, i had fun making that movie, and i will definitelly do more...
thank you! your words mean alot to me!
happy clockday!
Thanks for the enlighenting tale on clock history and symmetry. Happy belated Clock Day!
yes, i hope that you enjoyed it!
happy clockday!
BB10 told me to review this movie. I did not want to review it because I was not in this movie despite including him in mine, but he threatened me. He made me do it.
5 star movie it was okay
oh man, i did this movie in a hurry, i was close to miss clockday by an inch!
but dont worry tho, i will add you in my next three movies, so it will be cool, ok?
you are a great person pin, and a wonderful artist.
thanks alot for your review, it cheered me up!
happy clockday!
I see you've been using those little tips I showed you.
Try adding some basic animations next time - but yeah, the 01 sy count really trips people up, don't it?
PS: I suck at math. *Face explode*
yeah man, im trying.
i am learning. sometimes slowly, sometimes faster.
but im learning.
also yes, thats why i did the joke, some people can confuse the dates... lol.
thank you for the tips+for the kind words!
happy clockday!