AFO - Analogue Frequency Oscillator.
this was SUPPOSED to be just a quick little proof of concept, but it grew.
This is an interactive demonstration of a device inspired by
The Claude Controller:
invented by Claude Woodward "The Sonic Manipulator".
Okay technically, it's just the loader and help tools.
(By the way; I can keep an unpublished file in the project manager pretty much indefinitely, right?)
The idea here, is to map the position of a physical flywheel to a synth LFO output via MIDI. Sort of like "What if Old Lezlie cabinets were MIDI devices"
Since I'm still getting my head wrapped around data matrices and flash oscillators, I simulated a possible effect by having the flywheel fade between two sets of audio playing in tandem.
I see the real world item as being thick and heavy, like a Cry-Baby. with great bearings. The reason it needs to be so robust, is I want to be able to set it on the floor, and kick the wheel as I play.
Okay, so, like most Effect processors, turning every thing on, and all the way up doesn't always return the best results. The Original score was Drum,Bass,and Organ/guitar- the Scientist was an after-thought. I personally think that's still the best mix.
Misc info about control;
*To hear Just the effected tracks, pull the patch chord at the bottom of the screen.
*when the red mark is pointing straight up at full profundity, the AFO outputs only the "A" tracks. Same story for "B" tracks while pointing the mark down.
*Turning profundity all the way down gives a 50/50 mix regardless of flywheel position.
redeeming qualities- Well, it's pretty.
* The music is my original work (along with everything else)
( if there's interest, I could mix it down, and put it on the audio portal)
* it's fun to try to synchronize to the beat using the clutch toggle.
* If anyone remembers the old Memorex magazine adds with the guy in a lounger, being blown back by the fidelity, That's what I was driving at with the Keyboard guy.
* The "good scientist" from my very first flash animation makes a cameo appearance... as an icon. lol
...and It didn't take nearly as long to load as I thought it would.
The Original Mixdown with additional tracks is here: