this animation took thought and i love the detail! great sprite work!
Translater - Davis Productions
this animation took thought and i love the detail! great sprite work!
The English could use some improvement, otherwise it was mildly interesting (yes, i know - and love - the source material). Try improving the overall storyboard, and the way it progresses, its a lot of niche info for someone who hasn't played both games.
Well, what can I say?
How dare you kill knights :(? They were my favourite heroes in this story!
Every episode is so different... they aren't similar to each other in any way as if they were made by different people.
Ah, and take better care of translation! I mean, in some moments I could see Russian language instead of English :D
Keep working! I wait for next episode. And really, think of changing the way you give numbers to episodes :)
Good animation and great music.
I created this account just to give you a feedback.
Seriously, you're such an good animator (if that's the right word for it) and I'm glad that I found you. Even though you have less views than 3 - 6 years ago, you're still talented and I'm really looking forward for more chapters, I really love them, please don't give up on this project :)
But could I ask you a question? I'm not sure if you already answered this, but yeah:
1. Which program do you use for this? I want to do this kind of things, too. I know that it's pretty hard, but I wish I could try learning this and maybe even help you, I would be really thankful :)
The answer to the question: Adobe Flash CS3, but later want to upgrade to a newer version, CS5 or 6 for example.
I am glad that someone else likes my work)
Help is not necessary, I work all the time, just upload videos on Youtube, because before there was impossible to spread the work over 10mb.
And I do not know how to speak English, use Google Translate and I hope you all understand)