wow is this terrible...gameplay is unclear, and the graphics suck...
Kill the humans and mecha-dance
A game made for DaleK Jam
wow is this terrible...gameplay is unclear, and the graphics suck...
It was for a jam, are you retarded?
Nice Mighty Morphin Power Rangers logo.
How did this get a mature rating again?
Difficult to start. poor graphics, no sound, then goes to a dance contest control to operate a robot like toon. For about thirty seconds. I give this a one because there is some promise here and it can improve.
Difficult to start? Pressing enter is so hard?
Okay, so there actually IS a game to be had here. You have to click on the game and press enter/return for it to start. Then just press enter AGAIN to go past the story line. The problem is there's really not much more to it then walking into your mech, performing a swagalicious war dance, and INCINERATING EVERYONE IN SIIIIIGHT!!! I like the idea, but it could really use a lot more detail. I do however award you a couple a stars for trying and succeeding in the slightest way possible. Good job, bruh ^-^
It's not even a game. It's just the intro looping forever with poorly edited pictures.
OK. Yours is not even a comment. It's just a stupid mumbling.