Some really interesting solutions to otherwise daunting shots. Really glad you went full out on some of the multiplane camera work. I will say there were times when the characters lacked a sense of weight in the scene, but then there were some excellent examples where the characters were very present in the environment. It's tricky even for veterans.
Obviously if you plan to continue with animation, you'll need to put more time in drawing; specifically anatomy. But you have no shortage of personality in your character. I'm sure hearing "you've got great personality" sounds like a cop-out compliment, but this isn't the world of dating. If your character's personality isn't instantly readable at first glance, you need to go back to the drawing board. I had no doubt from the second the kid smiled what he was, and what his intentions were. That is a job well done.
Can absolutely smell the Avery/Jones on some of those centered "contemplation" shots too. Like watching some old Loony Tunes. Be very disappointed if you didn't continue with your work.