Game Multirotor Drone Simulator
20 Levels - Race against time through the busy streets of the city.
10 Levels - Mission to destroy the zombies with the help of artillery and other methods (finalized).
10 Levels - Waves of survival by destroying zombies. (in development)
Multirotor subjected to physical destruction of parts. The frame, motors and other parts break or fly off,
depending on the position of the drone in the fall or contact with the urban environment.
Purchase and updating of different parts:
- Batteries
- Frame kits
- Motors
- GPS Module
- Telemetry kit
- Ultrasonic sensor
- GoPro
- Brushless Gimbal 2D
The game uses the physical speed of the wind affects the behavior of the drone. Fight with the wind you can use the auto GPS positioning.
Realistic system of urban traffic cars stopping at traffic lights and interact with other machines
(headlights, turns, stops, alarm).
Realistic system urban citizens movement. Interactive interaction of citizens with drone zombies explosions.
1. The system races through the busy streets of the city with the accumulation time at each checkpoint.
The accumulated time is converted to coin.
Difficult levels will require the purchase of more powerful parts for drone.
2. The system of generation and destruction of zombies by various methods:
- Entice zombies on the edge of the roof that he fell from a height.
- Entice zombies on the roadway, that he was under the car.
- Destruction of zombies with the help of artillery through GPS coordinates.
- Picking up coins on the site of the destroyed zombies.
It is possible to do at speed stunts like flips in all directions to give a bonus in the form of coins.
Implemented a system money management. Purchase and repair parts to earn coins in the missions. Of course
you can buy coins for money through Google Play (Soomla).
Implemented optimization system urban objects based on the distance.
It is possible to easily implement new locations (there are achievements with an optimized Terraine Asset)
The game is developed on cross-platform engine Unity3D, which allows to publish a game for all popular platforms.
This indie game needs financial assistance for the development of new features!