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*v1.46 Update released - (The elevator camera bug is still there, for now to avoid the bug try not to jump on the elevator when the screen is about to transition). In the latest update Headacheshyguy helped me find the room I forgot to add a checkpoint in, so it is now fixed and you shouldn't be able to get stuck because of the elevator on a different floor now :)

Also I designed it to be like the first resident evil, so not moving while shooting is on purpose and all enemies are designed around that.
*Tip* All enemy weaknesses are based around rolling, you won't get far just shooting non stop. Try to look at how they move.


It's a late night in the lab, you rub your dry eyes just before you set off for home and the alarm sounds. You grab the gun in the security cabinet and head out to see what happened.

Z to roll
A to reload
S to use medpack (can be used while aiming)
X to draw gun + UP/DOWN to aim
C while aiming to shoot
D when you hear a ding and ! appears in the top right to inspect/use.

Y in the main menu to start game
B to instantly reset the game to the start if you get stuck

I wanted it similar to a NES game in that it's short (the game from start to end takes roughly 15 minutes) but it's tough. If you pay attention you'll find out the weaknesses and giveaways of each enemy and feels good once you finally beat it.

My first game ever, so I hope you like it! :)

Created for the Construct 2 deception gamejam.

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Won't run, likely from a Construct update.

this.pannerNode.setVelocity is not a function
at C2AudioInstance.tick (c2runtime.js:15455:33)
at instanceProto.tick (c2runtime.js:16417:6)
at Runtime.logic (c2runtime.js:4623:24)
at Runtime.tick (c2runtime.js:4502:8)
at tickFunc (c2runtime.js:3513:47)

Good game, but I ran into an issue. When I was getting the flashlight, I ended up dying repeatedly until I got out of the room. It wasn't a problem until I managed to get into the room outside of the flashlight room, because some of the enemies got out with me and swarmed the spawn point, killing me until the game broke and I became a zombie who had no health, was unable to shoot, and unable to turn around.

Joben7 responds:

I'll note that bug down and see if I can find a way to fix it. Thanks for taking the time to review and I'm glad you liked it!

Interesting interpretation of the 'Deception' theme, fellow DeceptionJam participant! :D
Elements from the background sometimes coming to life is pretty genius I find, makes you totally paranoid haha.

I just noticed the "My first game ever, so I hope you like it! :)" in the description, so I'll need to congratulate you right away, this is an amazing first game o__o'. I see many things that could be polished, but overall the game has an interesting flow -- I was worried to get lost and it seemed like the level design just always sent me to the right place.

Anyway, you must have worked so hard on this considering it's your first game, I really admire that! You better be proud as hell! *high five*

Oh and hey, don't let any mean/shitty comments discourage you, I've had the same kind of mixed reception from this site ... Some folks don't seem to know the context/constraints in which these games were made, and would be a lot more respectful if they realized how much work it represents.

P.S.: If you need help fixing your bugs, we can get in touch, I'd be happy to give you a hand! I've made quite a few games in Construct now so I know my way around.
P.P.S.: Hey, I didn't mention it but it's pretty crazy, our contest entries are very similar! I was confused with the controls because I kept trying to use the control scheme from my game XD. (Here's my entry if you're curious http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/659997 )
P.P.P.S.: Sorry for the super lengthy comment haha.

Joben7 responds:

Your games pretty awesome! It feels very polished and the artstyle is very cool. I gave it 4 stars :D

Thanks for taking the time to review too, I spent a lot of time and effort on it but being new to game making there's only so many bugs I can fix xD. I tried really hard on the layout so I'm glad it paid off, getting lost in a game can be very annoying.

That would help a lot actually, I've tried asking for help elsewhere but received no replys, there's really just 2 big bugs left now but I have no idea how to fix them. I'll send you a message when I have some spare time over the next day or so.

Thanks for your review and encouraging words! :)

I like the concept; however, i keep running into some bugs. When I die in a room with an elevator, sometimes I'm spawned near it with the elevator in the floor below, and other times, I'm spawned with the elevator above making it so I have to restart the game. Also I sometimes get the game frozen when I die in certain ways, not sure how to replicate it reliably. Other than that, I wish I could finish the game, it is fun.

Joben7 responds:

The room where you spawn above the elevator was done on purpose so anyone dying on the elevator below wouldn't get stuck, but for the one where you get stuck I'm not sure. I'm going to have to go through them to find out what I missed. If you could send me a message with what room you got stuck because of the elevator that would be great so I could fix it. The freezing on death sometimes I've never had though so I'm not sure how to fix that one, sorry. I'd love to try and fix the elevator one so you can finish it though.

But I'm really glad you liked it and thanks for taking the time to review!

Well, when I respawn, this game keeps the previous HP value. However, when the character dies after using a medpack, the medpack disappears... and the character returns to the previous HP value. This leads to a really embarrassing situation for the player. When the character has low HP, and the game save the current data. It is hard to continue playing with such low HP, and the medpack will eventually be used up.
So, maybe the game should keep the medpack number in a save or do something else to fix this.

Joben7 responds:

It should be that when you die and have a medpack it uses it so you spawn with full HP and if you don't have a medpack you spawn with the default respawn HP, which is half HP. I'll have a look into it though in case there's a bug I missed. Thanks for letting me know and thanks for taking the time to review!

Credits & Info

2.98 / 5.00

Jun 22, 2015
5:52 AM EDT