love this, make more episode ... one thing the audio is a bit hard to understand but this great so keep it up.
For non subtitled version click the link below to go to my youtube channel!
2 Transfused monkey/humans go on a rescue mission to free any captives from the evil Dr Echelon Hecklers laboratory in the depths of Venice before the captives themselves get transfused. However they are slightly too late and gain 2 more members to their monkey/human crew.
Primation 2015
If You enjoyed please subscribe to my Youtube channel or drop a like ^_^. Also leave a review on anything that you think could be improved as I am fairly new to animation.
love this, make more episode ... one thing the audio is a bit hard to understand but this great so keep it up.
I think that you have the potential to become a good animator. I can see the effort you put into this. However, it is very difficult to understand the speaker, and I can only follow because there are subtitles. Also, I would suggest for the rating to be changed because of the cursing/language. Other than that, I think you're off to a good start!
Thanks for the great feedback! as mentioned before I'm will definitely be investing in a better mic.
and I'm not too sure what parts your referring to when you say about the language.
decent art work, but needs work on voices, some are to close to the mic while others are too far away, needs consistency in that area.
Thanks! appreciate the review, I will be investing in a better microphone and have more efficiency in this aspect as I wont be as rushed(this first episode was for my final project on my course and had a deadline that approached fast than I would have liked :/).