Better get a sunsey
A little girl lives alone in a bizarre, ruined world overrun with giant monsters, alienesque landscapes, and sinister mysteries, with her only companion being a pink stuffed rabbit. However, when her rabbit is stolen from her in the night, she must delve into the nightmarish remnants of the old world in order to save her only friend.
Rabbit Hole is my junior film for college, and may end up being the pilot for a new animated series. I was inspired by Miyazaki movies, Mad Max, and about a million other things I love.
Better get a sunsey
This is pretty awesome and unique, letting us view a destroyed world haunted by giant and grotesque monsters from the perspective of a little girl who went through a lot pf trouble just to get her bunny doll. Great job!
I need a part 2 of this and badly, maybe a prequel, or a sequel, a spin off, anything will do!
haven't watched it all but wanted to leave a review before I forget , this animation is awesome )
Dude good story telling