animation is good but the sound quality isnt that good
Hey Guys I Hope U enjoyed this short animation
I relly need advices cuz my animation still sucks even if I try my best
Can u plz help me to make my draws beter
And thank U
Hope u enjoyed it :)
animation is good but the sound quality isnt that good
I know, I'm a really bad voice actor and i don't know where to find good sounds
I will learn some good tricks to make the sound qualiy beter :)
wow, a pretty good & funny little animation!
i liked how the fly was being annoying to him, and generally tried to ruin his day, but the best part was when the fly died, hillarious!
the boy's face when he was tired/angry was good, and the story was quite original and funny.
you did a nice work, so yeah, keep it up.
Thanks, I will try my best to make my animation better