nice music, don't do drugs kids
Wow. This one took me a bit to finally sit down and finish.
This is actually a project I abandoned no more than two years ago, a delectably bizarre tribute to one of my favorite games: Super Mario World.
This is the first animation I finished using my new tablet. Maybe it looks a little less rough around the edges compared to my older animations (Starting around the 40 second mark, that's when I picked it up again.), maybe it doesn't. I don't know, you tell me.
Leave a review, tell me what you think, and stay tuned!
nice music, don't do drugs kids
It was alright. I mean, it's for the most part pretty decent. I love Super Mario World. That sound at the point in the video in which the mushroom zoomed in raped my ears. The effects were pretty nice, the animation itself is alright. The ending was pretty funny. Overall, I give this a 6/10
Nice to see someone who explicitly recognized it as Super Mario World, I've had some people say they thought it was supposed to resemble the original Super Mario Bros. Strangely, even if you meant it in a negative way, I'll take the audio comment as a compliment. It's supposed to be chaotic and uncomfortable, to fit what's going on.
But whatever, thanks for your thoughts!
10/10 would utterly destroy headset again. I like how things went dark so fast was pretty crazy but funny. Great animation. :)
That sound was designed to be a headphone-killer from the beginning, so I guess I succeeded in that.
I find that the best dark humor is the kind that catches the viewer off guard.
The glitchy mess of audio at the end seemed like a little too much for my taste. Some of the credits seemed a little awkwardly spaced apart, despite them being timed to the music. But great job with the animation itself, though! I'd say it was worth reviving ;D
Yeah, I know that effect doesn't appeal to everyone, so I get that. The credits thing is largely due to the fact that I realized I didn't have enough stuff to put there (On my previous animation I had a voice actor to credit so it worked out a little better.), but anyways, thanks!
So if you eat a mushroom that a stranger gave you, you turn into Mario and die...................Great animation!
Hey man, you never know, maybe this could double as an educational video. Thanks!